UPDATE: August 11,2011
Read and then contribute to Sarah PAC to keep the wheels on the bus go round and round.
Update: August 10,2011
Updates: August 5,2011
This is the sample card asking for volunteers.
You can purchase 200 Palin Palm Cards for $10 a bundle; get some first class stamps -about 10 panes @$8.80 at the Post Office; go to the Board of Elections for lists of nearby election districts and ask for Republican registrant's list about $5 to $20 cost; 4 boxes of envelopes $10 @ at Staples; a pen and 8 hours of volunteer time to address them (PRICELE$$!).
Register Free at Organize 4 Palin and tell them you have contacted about 200 neighboring Republicans and which Election District they are in. Each state in the US has a Co-ordinator who will get in touch with you for further work ,if you wish.
If you like to walk, continue on to a door to door canvassing using the lists and a few hundred Palin Key Cards with slots to fit on doorknobs.
All purchased at GOP VICTORY PRINT. They take charge card orders for all Palin Palm Card asking for VOLUNTEERS like your self.
We are the BOOTS ON THE GROUND. We are more organized and determined than ACORN was. Our lives,families, our country cry out to be free.
Palin will need volunteers when she declares. We are it.Worth every dime spent of our own money and every hour of our time to take back our country.
Palin 2012###