Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Bus Tour Begins in DC

Start up of Bus Tour and then Sarah and family meet and greet with SENIORS and some GRIZZLIES over Memorial Day in DC !!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Path to Prosperity (Episode 2): Saving Medicare, Visualized

Seniors Like Paul Ryan Plan. Lies circulating by Obama and goons say Seniors will be tossed out of Nursing Homes. This is a lie because 55 and older Medicare stays the same in the Ryan Plan.

Palin in 2012###

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Palin Mailin'

Mailing out a few hundred Palin Palm Cards at a time BUT with plenty of helpers. I could not canvass door to door so I did the next best thing: I formed a mailing party.Everyone got an Organize 4 Palin tee shirt and got into a playful mood. Election Districs #9 and #29 mailed into Districts 13,14 15,16 and 17.There are more palm cards left so some will be dropped off at other elections districts in Monroe County New York.


Look at me I am a car.

Plenty of supplies: pencils and return address labels with Organize4Palin stamped on them.

ANGIE ready to take the mail to the post office.
The Palin Power mobile . Up here there are some (ahem) who want to remove my bumper but that's just Western New York for you.
Downstate Palin Mailin'







Thousands of Palm Cards for NYC and Long Island New York

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sarah Explains Ryan's Health Care Plan and more

Those on medicare and under 55 will experience a great program while the over 55's will stay as is. Obama lies about this to seniors. Maybe the seniors in Obama's live were stupid but American Seniors are not.

Friday, May 20, 2011

You will want to die with Death Care Law in effect

With Obama Death Care you will want to kill yourself. Vote this creep down in 2012. This story is about another country but soon to come to this country.
Obama is a liar he says Ryan's Economic Plans will cost you more. Obama's death care law will cost you your life when they ration your pain pills it will be horrible.

Death Care and Death Panels Affect "Minorities" More Than Whites

I am afraid to inform these advertising elite and Kennedy School Graduates, that the person in the wheel chair is more than likely to be a Black or Hispanic elderly woman. How do I know that? I am a white 71 year old woman who uses a walker or wheelchair.All of the care givers I have had never looked like this maniacle misanthrope who is pushing the wheelchair. I live in a senior housing apartment.I have given some food and money for medicine on an emergency basis to many more Black women than I have to white women.They will more than likkely be treated harshly by Obama's Law. Must be my lying eyes for my opinions. The eyes did not go to Harvard. This will backfire for its lack of reality.
The elderly who will find themselves at the mercy of Death Panels and rationing for cost effective purposes will be what color? Not the color of the wheelchair victim.
Socialist Democrat liars are messing with a group of citizens who more than likely vote. That is why this ad will backfire. Making all the voters uncomforatable is a byproduct of the recalcitrant Obama and his party of killer CZARS and Socialist cohorts. He learned these SAUL ALINSKY tactics to attack everyone even the elderly. This is true unless the Harvard school of business and ethics professors taught it.
Out to the woodshed with the Marxist Lover,Obama, and Harvard troublemakers.###

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Social Security And Medicare Finances Continue To Falter - Investors.com

Social Security And Medicare Finances Continue To Falter - Investors.com
All about Death Panel #1...the cost effective analysis panel. Like Sarah Palin ,I call it a DEATH PANEL while the how to lie with a straight face group aka Socialist Democrats call it:"WE AIN'T GOT NO DEATH PANELS 'ROUND HERE." HERE IS A GOOD READ ABOUT THEIR EXISTENCE

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jane Corwin Endorsed by Seniors 60's Group

CORWINJane Corwin running for Congress to fill in for special election in NYS CD 26 in western part of state .She will replace Chris Lee.
Read her site. Phony Tea Party candidate draining votes from her .
Volunteer from home to work for your favorite candidates

Thursday, May 5, 2011