Sunday, June 12, 2011

Western New York Behind The Iron Curtain

Western New York thanks to Schumer,Cuomo,Gilibrand,Slaughter elicites this comment below.It is some of communist Van Jones' work in the Oval Office:
*My husband and I have lived in Western NY and raised our family here. Recently, he lost his job within the IT department of a local college due to declining enrollment. Most of that declining enrollment is due to the enormous tax burden placed upon the citizens who have to seek out less expensive means of education for their children. Now we are literally "screwed" because although he has had several interviews he is not offered a job because he is an "older" worker. He has more to offer any company than a young graduate, but we can see that companies are cutting back and paying "green" workers less money to stay profitable. Sad state of affairs when you have an education and have put in your time in NYS and can't even get an offer for $15 p/h. Time to kick out the unions and make businesses more profitable by lowering taxes. Then everyone will have an equal chance at finding a good job.

*Unschackle Upstate Western New York

1 comment:

  1. Socialism & Communism produce poverty & oppression Ask all from Russia or Eastern Europe.
